Phew! It's been a whirlwind few weeks! The last couple weeks I
had been prepping for Open Studios, then as soon as that was over, I
had to get right onto the next deadline! I'm painting two of these giant
Iphones for my daughters dance recital with No Limits Tap and Jazz
Academy. The theme is time travel, so a few weeks ago I was doing disco
dancers and this week I'm doing modern times, hence the Iphones... My
daughter took a couple work in progress photos to share. I finished this
with just minutes to spare before going to work. Tomorrow I start a
different project, designing a fantasy environment for my daughter's
middle school graduation dance. It's top secret though. Maybe next week I
can share some photos of it! Once these are done, I promised myself I
would read a book! I picked up a couple from the library and they are
taunting me!