past weekend, eleven oil painters packed up their gear and converged on
the Morris Graves property in Loleta to learn from the great master,
Jim McVicker. This was his first ever three day workshop, a unique
opportunity for the painters to draw off of his 40 years of experience
in landscape painting.
“The Lake” by Jim McVicker
See More Examples of McVicker’s Work Here:
Morris Graves first moved to Humboldt County he acquired one of the
last stands of old growth in Loleta. At the center of the property was
the serene and mysterious Catfish Lake, a sink hole created by an
earthquake over three hundred years ago, filled with dark tannin rich
water and old growth trees that reach up from the bottom of the lake to
poke through the surface of the water 32 feet above. These trees provide
nutrients to the various plants that have taken root, creating several
tiny vegetative islands.
“Forest Reflections” by Andrew Daniel
“Untitled” by Henry Hollomon
“Untitled” by Rick Tolley
vision for the property was to create his dream home on the lake’s
shore, an artistic retreat hidden from humanity, where he could be alone
with the many species of birds that lived there, as inspiration for
his art. Before his passing in 2001 he chose to preserve his home as a
retreat for artists to get away from the distractions of society.
McVicker’s Quick Sketch Demonstration
the workshop, McVicker alternated between doing demonstrations and
visiting students around the perimeter of the lake to give them feedback
on their work. Just about everyone in the class struggled with the
combined challenges of painting outdoors, away from their studios, and
interpreting the complex scene of trees reflected in the lake’s dark
waters. McVicker provided a road map for the students with his demos of
quick painted sketches as well as larger more involved work, before
they went out each day to face the elements.
On Sunday after one
of the fine lunches served by Desireé Yarber, Robert Yarber gave a
slide show lecture about Grave’s life and work. Both of them work as
caretakers of the property, and act as host to visiting artists.
See Examples of Graves Work Here:
“Untitled” by Joan Rosko
“Untitled” by Michael Levine
On Friday and Saturday the sun hid behind clouds and rain, forcing the painters to work in a limited palette of grays, blacks, and greens. On the final day, the sun came out to light up the trees with brilliant warm colors, the birds rose up in chorus, and the spirits of the painters were lifted. The participants went home feeling inspired to take on new challenges
and to work at internalizing the lessons they learned.
Workshop Participants From Left to Right:
Rosko, Rick Tolley, Michael Lawler, Corey Gordon, Claudia Lima, Kathy
O’leary, Andrew Daniel, Jim McVicker, Teresa Oats, Henry Hollomon,
Cietha Wilson, Vera Ximenes(not in picture)